私が最も興味を持っていることの一つでもあるService Improvement がお題なので、楽しく授業に参加しています。
コースは丸2日間のセッションを2週間ごとに合計2回行い、4000words のAssignment で評価されます。
- Provide an understanding of the nature of complex system
- Develop a critical understanding of a range of leadership frameworks
- Understand how operations management models could be used to improve performance and redesign services to improve patient care
- Explore the concepts of service failure and recovery
- Knowledge and Understanding
- Know and understand the key academic debates around leadership and change
- Understand the nature of complex systems
- Understand the concepts of service failure and recovery
- Intellectual Skills
- Critically evaluate a range of leadership frameworks
- Understand the relationship between complex systems and leadership styles
- Understand the importance of change management theory
- Practical skills
- Apply operations management methods to improve performance and redesign services
- Appropriate examples of service turnaround
- Transferable skills and personal qualities
- Understand importance of learning organisations
- Apply single and double loop learning to own experience
- The nature of complex adaptive system
- Approaches to managing change
- Leadership frameworks
- Operations management models
- Performance measurement and improvement
- Service failure and recovery
- Service turnaround
- The importance of learning organisations
- Burnes, B. (2004) Managing Change, Essex: Harlow.
- Denis, J. L.,Langley, A. and Rouleau, L. (2005). 'Rethinking leadership in public organisations' In Ferlie, E., Lynn Jr, L. and Pollitt, C., The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, USA: Oxford University Press.
- Grint, K. (2005). Leadership: Limits and Possibilities, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Johnston, R. and Clark, G. (2001). Service Operation Management, Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
- Peck, E. (Ed) (2005). Organisational Development in Healthcare, Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical.
- Plsek, P. and Greehhalgh, T. (2001). 'The challenge of complexity in health care', BMJ, 323 (7313), 625-628. (You can check on Website, Available from: <http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/323/7313/625> [Accessed: 27th November 2007])
- Talbot, C. (2005). 'Performance management' In Ferlie, E., Lynn Jr, L. and Pollitt, C., The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, USA: Oxford University Press.
私は、Operation managementの方法論が、Healthcare service improvementにどの程度役に立っているかということについてEssayを書くことにしました。 面白くなってきましたよ!
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