29 November 2007

コース説明: Leadership and Service Improvement

 このコースの3つ目のユニットは、Leadership and Service Improvement です。
 私が最も興味を持っていることの一つでもあるService Improvement がお題なので、楽しく授業に参加しています。
 コースは丸2日間のセッションを2週間ごとに合計2回行い、4000words のAssignment で評価されます。

  1. Provide an understanding of the nature of complex system
  2. Develop a critical understanding of a range of leadership frameworks
  3. Understand how operations management models could be used to improve performance and redesign services to improve patient care
  4. Explore the concepts of service failure and recovery
*Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Knowledge and Understanding
  1. Know and understand the key academic debates around leadership and change
  2. Understand the nature of complex systems
  3. Understand the concepts of service failure and recovery
  • Intellectual Skills
  1. Critically evaluate a range of leadership frameworks
  2. Understand the relationship between complex systems and leadership styles
  3. Understand the importance of change management theory
  • Practical skills
  1. Apply operations management methods to improve performance and redesign services
  2. Appropriate examples of service turnaround
  • Transferable skills and personal qualities
  1. Understand importance of learning organisations
  2. Apply single and double loop learning to own experience

  1. The nature of complex adaptive system
  2. Approaches to managing change
  3. Leadership frameworks
  4. Operations management models
  5. Performance measurement and improvement
  6. Service failure and recovery
  7. Service turnaround
  8. The importance of learning organisations
  • Burnes, B. (2004) Managing Change, Essex: Harlow.
  • Denis, J. L.,Langley, A. and Rouleau, L. (2005). 'Rethinking leadership in public organisations' In Ferlie, E., Lynn Jr, L. and Pollitt, C., The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, USA: Oxford University Press.
  • Grint, K. (2005). Leadership: Limits and Possibilities, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Johnston, R. and Clark, G. (2001). Service Operation Management, Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
  • Peck, E. (Ed) (2005). Organisational Development in Healthcare, Abingdon: Radcliffe Medical.
  • Plsek, P. and Greehhalgh, T. (2001). 'The challenge of complexity in health care', BMJ, 323 (7313), 625-628. (You can check on Website, Available from: <http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/323/7313/625> [Accessed: 27th November 2007])
  • Talbot, C. (2005). 'Performance management' In Ferlie, E., Lynn Jr, L. and Pollitt, C., The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, USA: Oxford University Press.
私は、Operation managementの方法論が、Healthcare service improvementにどの程度役に立っているかということについてEssayを書くことにしました。 面白くなってきましたよ!

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