1)公衆衛生:Public Health
3)臨床手技:Clinical Practice
NHSの医療機関や医療従事者は、このガイドラインを遵守する義務はないようですが、このガイドラインに基づいてAudit(質管理)がされてそれにより組織への予算配分に影響するために、必然的にガイドラインに近い診療を提供することになるようです。 (ちなみに、NHS全体の予算配分は、ものすごくおおざっぱに言うと、NHS本体から4つ(NHS in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England)の地域へ配分され、さらにPrimary Care Trustなどが地域の病院・診療所に配分するという形になります。)
さらに言うなら、ガイドラインを「発表・発行しっぱなし」ではなく、どのように現場に導入したらいいのかということを、How to Implement guidelines という形で提供しているあたりも、見習う必要があると思いました。
Implementation tools:
ただし、非常に速いスピードで新しいガイドラインが発行され、さらにReviseされたものが出てくるので、医療従事者個人にそのCatch upを任せることは難しいと思われます。そこで、組織の中にこうした質管理を担当する人員が配置され、さまざまな臨床現場の生のデータが集められて評価されているようです。
While NHS serves healthcare in most of area in UK, there is an independent organisation named NICE to improve people's health and prevent illness. NICE establishes many practice guidelines related to public health, technology and treatment based on Evidence-based Medicine.
According to information from the website of NICE, these guidelines are categorised into 3 section; (Available at:
- public health - guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention of ill health for those working in the NHS, local authorities and the wider public and voluntary sector
- health technologies - guidance on the use of new and existing medicines, treatments and procedures within the NHS
- clinical practice - guidance on the appropriate treatment and care of people with specific diseases and conditions within the NHS.
In addition, most of guidelines are revised and up-dated regularly. I would like to know how this system is organised and managed with skilled professional human resources and funding.
Administrators, Executives, and clinical professionals would not have to follow these guidelines exactly; however, budgeting is based on the outcome of Audit, thus their performance would follow the quality which NICE's guideline shows.
Furthermore, it could be important suggestion for us to learn how to implement guidelines into practice. There are skills sets on the web to support administrators to apply and implement guidelines into practice. They provide not only guideline itself, but also practical skills for clinical professionals to fill the gap in real clinical setting.
Also, an individual physician is not only person to take responsibility for clinical quality outcome and up-to-date their ability at clinical setting. Many professionals support quality control system and manage based on specific knowledge.
I think, a clinical quality is very depending on individual physician's attitude and moral in Japan. IN NHS, there are huge amount of examples and failure related to education, quality control and management of systems which we could learn and apply into our healthcare system.
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