12 October 2007

Educators - Dr. Lawrence Benson

以下、Manchester Business Schoolからの転載です。

Position:Lecturer in Healthcare and Public Sector Management
Subject Area Group:Health Management

Lawrence joined the Centre for Public Policy and Management as a Lecturer in Healthcare and Public Sector Management in August 2003. He is an experienced university lecturer and programme designer of education for organisational clients. His main research interests are workforce redesign, healthcare regulation and English Primary Care Trusts and before these Primary Care Groups in respect to senior teams, strategic alliances and partnerships. His teaching experience and interests include organisational behaviour, health policy, business and service planning and workforce planning. He is also an active member of the Institute of Healthcare Management in terms of the Institute’s Certificate in Managing Health and Social Care.

Lawrence started his career as a NHS planning and commissioning officer in London and West Yorkshire, then he moved to health services management education and development in 1992. Until August 2003 his previous role was course leader for the MSc in Health and Social Services Management at the University of Bradford.

Lawrence gained his MBA at the University of Huddersfield in 1994 and in 2003 was awarded a PHD in Management from the University of Bradford. The title of his thesis is "The suitability of Primary Care Groups as mechanisms for effective partnership" and subtitled "The early experiences of senior members of primary care organisations from 1999 to 2001 in the English NHS as evolving hybrid organisational forms".

Teaching and Research interests

His teaching experience and interests include organisational behaviour, health policy, business and service planning, information management and workforce planning. He is now co-director for the Centre for Public Policy and Management’s MA in Health Services Management. He is also an active member of the Institute of Healthcare Management in developing the Institute’s Certificate in Managing Health and Social Care.

His main research interests are workforce redesign, healthcare regulation and English Primary Care Trusts and before these Primary Care Groups in respect to senior teams, strategic alliances and partnerships.

Selected publications
  • "Learning from Regulatory Interventions in Healthcare: the Commission for Health Improvement and its clinical governance review process [Winner of editor's "highly commended" award]", in Clinical Governance, Vol. 11, 3, pp. 213-224, 2006, Lawrence Benson, Alan Boyd and Kieran Walshe
  • "Keeping An Eye Out", in Health Management, pp. 27, 2004, Lawrence Benson
  • "From Competition to Collaboration in the Delivery of Health Care: England and Scotland compared", in Journal of Nursing Management, Vol. 9, pp. 213-220, 2001, Lawrence Benson, A Bruce and T Forbes
  • "Beginning to Reinvigorate the Workforce", in British Journal of Health Care Management, Vol. 10, 9, pp. 274-279, Lawrence Benson, Pamela Venning, R Young, K Walshe and C Mullen
  • "On the Review Trail: assessing the impact of a health care regulator", Strategic Issues in Health Care Management Conference, St Andrews, Scotland, 2004, Lawrence Benson, K Walshe and A Boyd
  • "Primary Care Groups: what are they and why are they here?", Strategic Issues in Health Care Management Conference, St Andrews, Scotland, 2000, Lawrence Benson and G Wright
Working Papers
  • "Reforming the National Health Service: Comparing Developments in England and Scotland (Working Paper No 27, Faculty of Business, Glasgow Caledonian University)", 2000, Lawrence Benson, A Bruce and T Forbes
CPPM Reports
  • "Learning from CHI: the impact of healthcare regulation [interim report]", 2004, Lawrence Benson, A Boyd and K Walshe

Educators- Prof.Kieran Walshe

Health Policy担当の教官です。 素晴らしく頭の切れる先生です。
以下、Manchester Business Schoolからの転載です。

Position:Professor of Health Policy and Management
Subject Area Group:Health Management


Kieran Walshe is Co-Director of the Centre for Public Policy and Management and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Manchester Business School. He is a senior academic with seventeen years experience in health policy, health management and health services research. He has previously worked at the University of Birmingham, the University of California at Berkeley, and the King's Fund in London, and has a professional background in healthcare management. He is an experienced researcher, who enjoys working at the interface between theory and practice and values the opportunities it offers to engage with the policy and practitioner communities and to put ideas into action. He has particular interests and expertise in public services regulation; the governance, accountability and performance of public services; and policy evaluation and learning. He writes regularly for a wide range of journals including the British Medical Journal, Health Service Journal, Health Affairs, Milbank Quarterly, Public Money and Management, and Quality and Safety in Healthcare. He is on a number of editorial boards, acted as an expert for the Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry, and has advised the National Audit Office on healthcare issues since 1995. He is an appointed member of the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence, and is the Research Director of the Department of Health’s NIHR service delivery and organisation research programme.

His books include Regulating Healthcare: A Prescription for Improvement (2003); Patient Safety: Research into Practice (2005); and Healthcare Management (2006).

Teaching and Research interests

Clinical governance and quality improvement in healthcare organisations; workforce redesign in the NHS; public service regulation and external inspection; quality indicators and quality assessemnt; patient safety and adverse evetns; organisational failures, inquiries and intervention strategies; secondary research methods

Public policy and public management; quality and performance assessment and improvement; public service regulation; organisational failure and turnaround; research methodologies.

Selected publications
  • "Regulating healthcare: a prescription for improvement?", Buckingham: Open University Press, ISBN 0 335 21022 8/0 335 21023 6, 2003, Kieran Walshe
  • "Learning from Regulatory Interventions in Healthcare: the Commission for Health Improvement and its clinical governance review process [Winner of editor's "highly commended" award]", in Clinical Governance, Vol. 11, 3, pp. 213-224, 2006, Lawrence Benson, Alan Boyd and Kieran Walshe
  • "Changing the Skills of Front-line Workers: the impact of the embodied customer", in Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 15, 2, pp. 35-49, 2005, Anne McBride, Paula Hyde, Ruth Young and Kieran Walshe
  • "Big Business: the corporatisation of primary care in the UK and the USA", in Public Money and Management, pp. 87-96, 2004, Kieran Walshe and J Q Smith
  • "Organisational Failure and Turnaround: lessons for public services from the for-profit sector", in Public Money and Management, Vol. 24, 4, pp. 201-208, 2004, Kieran Walshe, Gill Harvey, Paula Hyde and Naresh R Pandit
  • "Social Regulation of Healthcare Organisations in the United States: developing a framework for evaluation", in Health Services Management Research, Vol. 17, pp. 79-99, 2004, Kieran Walshe and S M Shortell
  • "When Things Go Wrong: how health care organisations deal with major failures", in Health Affairs, Vol. 23, 3, pp. 103-111, 2004, Kieran Walshe and S M Shortell
  • "Foundation Hospitals: a new direction for NHS reform?", in Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol. 96, pp. 106-110, 2003, Kieran Walshe
  • "The Use and Impact of Inquiries in the NHS,", in British Medical Journal, Vol. Vol 325, pp. 895-900, 2002, Joan Higgins and Kieran Walshe
  • "The rise of regulation in the NHS", in British Medical Journal, Vol. 324, pp. 967-970, 2002, Kieran Walshe
  • "Don't try this at home: health policy lessons for the NHS from the United States", in Economic Affairs, Vol. 21, 4, pp. 31-35, 2001, Kieran Walshe
  • "Regulating Nursing Homes in the United States: are we learning from experience?", in Health Affairs, Vol. 20, 6, pp. 128-144, 2001, Kieran Walshe
  • "A very public failure: lessons for quality improvement in healthcare organisations from the Bristol Royal Infirmary", in Quality in Healthcare, Vol. 10, pp. 250-256, 2001, Kieran Walshe and N Offen
  • "Evidence based management: from theory to practice in healthcare", in Milbank Quarterly, Vol. 79, 3, pp. 429-457, 2001, Kieran Walshe and T Rundall
  • "The external review of quality improvement in healthcare organisations: a qualitative study", in International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Vol. 13(5), pp. 367-374, 2001, Kieran Walshe
Edited Books
  • "Patient Safety: research into practice", Open University Press, Buckingham, 2006, Kieran Walshe and Ruth Boaden
CPPM Reports
  • "Powers of Observation", in Health Services Journal, pp. 28-29, 2002, Donna Bradshaw and Kieran Walshe

07 October 2007


 実は、私もつい半年ほど前まで知りませんでした。 フリートレードとは違うってことくらいしか、、

 フェアトレードとは、経済的・社会的に弱い立場の生産者(特に途上国)の継続的発展:Sustainable Development を支えていく貿易の方法です。

 *Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International
 *フェアトレード リソース センター
 *特定非営利活動法人 フェアトレード・ラベル・ジャパン



 しかも、街全体がFairtradeするって決めちゃうなんてことも、かなりある様子。 すごーい。

 *Fairtrade Towns

 Fairtrade商品は、スーパーなどで買うと安い価格のものに比べて若干高め(2割増し?)、エンゲル係数の高くなりがちな学生にはちと痛い。。 でも、比較的安心して品質も保証されていて、ついでに誰かのサポートになるなら、安いもんだな~と思います。

 日本の大きな総合大学だと導入しているみたいですが、病院で導入っていうのは聞いたことないなぁ。 「地域にも世界にもやさしい病院」とか、Niceだと思うけどなぁ。

04 October 2007

Visit GP Office!

 今日は、教授に連れられて、Manchester大学が管理するPrimary Care officeを見学してきました。(通常はNHS管理下にあるので、ちょっとユニークです。)
 Rusholme Health Centre 内にある The Robert Darbishire Practiceです。

診療所は住宅街の中にあり、待合室は清潔で広く、小さな子供が描いた絵などが額に入れて飾ってあり、とても雰囲気がいいです。 受付の担当者は、(ほかの英国内の様々な受付と比較して)はるかによくトレーニングされており、必要な情報がきちんとわかるようになっています。(英国の受付が「受付」でないことは、また別の機会に。。。)


 ここでは、19人のGeneral Practitioner (GP)3人のNurse Practitioner (NP)5人のPractice Nurse (PN)2人のHealthcare Assistant (HCA)Support staff28人、2人のManagerが働いています。ここの一つの特徴が、Pharmacistが常勤であること。 














 NHSの全体像、Primary Care Trustの役割、Quality Control (Quality and Outcome Framework:QOF)、診療報酬体系、2004年からのPrimary Car Policyの変化やその後のPrimary Care事情などはまた別の機会に。

02 October 2007

Contemporary Issues in Health Policy

 9月24日から最初の授業が始まりました。Health Policy(HP):医療政策 について。


 朝から夕方までお昼をはさんでぶっちぎりの授業で、「政策用言語」に慣れていない & British-Englishが耳からこぼれおちてしまう。。

 HP作成におけるEvidence, Value, Ethicsとは

 ここまでレクチャーでバーっと流し、そのあとSmoking and Tabacco controlの政策について上記の視点を踏まえてクラス討議をしました。 70年代にたばこ会社が作成した「Smoking is Safe」というビデオをみて、その提示されている科学的根拠について、このビデオが放映されたあとに政府はどのような手段を取るべきかなども議論しました。

 各国でさまざまな医療政策:HPが提案されているけれども、なぜその政策が提案されたのか、誰が首謀者(?)なのか、その根拠や導入方法はどんなものか、その結果どんなインパクトが社会にあったのか、そういったことを分析することで、初めて本当の意味でのHPが理解できるんだなぁ、、 とにかく「Why?」の連発です。